Shirley A
Using awkward social scenarios in everyday settings as a starting point, Shirley A creates abstract, immersive installations that explore the feelings that manifest themselves during moments of tension.
Analysing the nuances of such scenarios, she draws on artistic traditions that include arte povera, conceptualism and expressionism, and creates structures using packaging materials and household detritus.
Shirley A works and lives in London. She graduated from London Metropolitan University in 2023 with a BA in Fine Art,
First Class Honours.
2016-24, London Metropolitan University, London, BA (Hons) Fine Art. Excellence in Research Award recipient
2015-16, Morley College, London, Foundation in Fine Art
1993-97, Napier University, Edinburgh, BA (Hons) Publishing
Primavera, joint show with Yvonne Overheul, Rome, Italy
Spring Crush, Graduation Show, London Metropolitan University, London
1-2 and 8-9 June 2019, ‘At Home with… Le Salon des Différents’, group show as part of Penge Art Trail, London (artist and curator)
Studio Two, group show, London Metropolitan University, London
Cass Collective, group show, Hackney Empire, London
Le Salon des Différents, group show, Asylum Chapel, London (artist and co-curator)
Easter Bunny 2018, group show, London Metropolitan University, London
‘Studio Two’, group show, The Cass, London
‘Cass Collective’, group show, Hackney Empire, London
‘Le Salon des Différents’, group show, Asylum Chapel, London (artist and co-curator)
‘Easter Bunny 2018’, group show, The Cass, London
Christmas Cracker 2017, group show, London Metropolitan University, London
Summer Open, group show, The Lovely Gallery, London
Different Strokes, group show, The Castle, London (artist and co-curator)
Easter Bunny 2017, group show, London Metropolitan University, London
Hanging Together, group show, Centre for Recent Drawing, London
Christmas Cracker 2016, group show, London Metropolitan University, London
Art Foundation Show, Morley Gallery, group show, London (artist and gallery assistant)
Docklands & East London Advertiser, 13 March 2017, What’s On listing of Different Strokes
Hackney Post, 15 March 2017, review of ‘Different Strokes’
The Cass Session 2016-17 Handbook, image of Stretch, seated at The Castle
News from London Metropolitan University, review of ‘Different Strokes’